Adult Education
Hadran Daf Yomi of Minneapolis
Sundays at 10:00 AM, on Zoom
Sefer Shmuel Alef
An In-Depth Exploration with Rabbanit Dalia Davis
Most Tuesdays from 10:00 to 11:00 AM
Send us an email for more information.
Lunch ‘n Learn with Rabbi Davis
Wednesday, March 5th
12:30 - 2:00 PM
Legendary Creatures in
Jewish Tradition, Part II:
Leeches, worms ‘n whales!
Please RSVP.
Do you want to learn with us on Zoom?
Send us an email for connection information.

Darchei Noam-Rehovot Berman Shul Book Club
Join us on Sunday, March 16th at Noon Central
Meet Lihi Lapid at 12:30 PM.
On Her Own by Lihi Lapid
A moving, page-turning story of two families in crisis and the unexpected places from which love can grow. The true mystery Lapid seeks to unveil is one of the most burning questions of our time: What does it mean to be a woman in today’s world?
About the author:
Lihi Lapid is a bestselling Israeli author, photojournalist, columnist, and activist with a finger on the pulse of contemporary women’s issues. She lives in Tel Aviv with her husband, Yair Lapid, the former prime minister of Israel, and their two children.
Read a review on the Jewish Book Council's website
and Hadassah Magazine's interview of the author, edited for brevity and clarity.
Watch Hadassah's interview of Lihi Lapid (56 minutes).