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Friday, September 6 ~ 3 Elul

Please do not assume the Eruv is up.

Call 612-640-ERUV (3788) before Shabbat.

6:45 AM Shacharit
7:00 PM Mincha, Kabbalat Shabbat, Ma'ariv
7:21 PM Candle lighting (Earliest 6:19 PM)

Shabbat, September 7 ~ 4 Elul

9:00 AM Shacharit
Torah Reading

Parashat Shoftim: Devarim 16:18 - 21:9

Haftarah: Yishayah 51:12 - 52:12


10:30 AM Youth Groups with Bruchie and Aliza

Derasha and Kiddush following services


6:20 PM Pre-Mincha Gemara shiur with Rabbi Davis - Sotah Perek 7 Blessings amidst curses: Standing atop Har Eival (Extra texts are available at shul.)

7:10 PM Mincha/Seuda Shlishit: Inspiration for Elul

Note - Next Shabbat during Seudah Shlishit, we will try something a little different upon the request of some returning summer campers. Please join us and lend your voice for a little 'Slow Shira' harmony and inspiration. You bring the vocals and we'll supply the treats. (Rides back home are available after Ma'ariv for anyone in need.)

8:22 PM Havdallah

עם ישראל חי
Congregation Darchei Noam דרכי נועם

A Modern Orthodox Synagogue

in St. Louis Park, Minnesota

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