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Purim 5785 :: Schedule

Sunday, March 9

Sunday morning groups bake pizza hamantaschen

Thursday, March 13 - Taanit Esther

6:02 AM Fast Begins
6:50 AM Shacharit
6:55 PM Mincha
7:20 PM Ma'ariv
7:30 PM Megillah
The fast ends at 7:50 PM although one should wait until after hearing the Megillah to break one's fast. Those who attend the late Megillah readings need not wait to break their fast.

Friday, March 14 - Purim Day

6:50 AM Shacharit 6:50 AM
7:30 AM Megillah
4:00 PM Darchei Women's Megillah Reading
7:00 PM Shabbat Candle Lighting (Sunset 7:18 PM)
7:00 PM Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat

The Mitzvot of Purim

The Megillah 

The Megillah must be heard by night AND by day. (The daytime mitzvah is arguably more important.) It must be heard from beginning to end without interruption. Please be mindful of your fellow congregants during Megillah readings and save all conversations for after davening.

Matanot L'Evyonim ~ Gifts to those in need

We are collecting funds to distribute on Purim day in accordance with halachah. If you or someone you know could benefit from these funds, please notify the Rabbi. All correspondence will be kept in strict confidence.


How to give:

  • On Purim, drop your donation into the collection box at shul.

  • To give in advance, drop your donation into the donation box in the library.

  • To pay online, visit our Donate page.

Label all cash, checks and online donations, Matanot L’Evyonim.

There is a lovely custom to give at least as much to Matanot L'Evyonim as one spends on the other mitzvot of the day such as one's Seudah and Mishloach Manot. Your generosity ensures that everyone has the means to celebrate and enjoy Purim.

Mishloach Manot ~ Gifts to Friends

This mitzvah is fulfilled on Purim day by giving at least two portions of food to one other person. There is a custom to have the foods represent multiple berachah categories, e.g., fruit (ha-etz) and cookies (mezonot); however, this is not necessary. More importantly, each portion should be something the recipient would enjoy and consider a proper portion. Two pieces of cake are fine as long as the cakes are different, e.g., carrot cake and strudel. Some organizations claim that you can give tzedakah in lieu of mishloach manot to friends. This is NOT mishloach manot unless the organization uses the money to deliver mishloach manot food on Purim day.

Se’udat Purim

Ideally, the seudah includes bread (with washing and Birkat HaMazon), wine and meat. At a minimum, bread is essential. Because Purim is on Friday this year, fulfill this mitzvah Friday morning to enter Shabbat with a renewed appetite. Those who are unable to have a minimal Purim Se’udah Friday morning can fulfill the mitzvah in the afternoon, the earlier the better. One might have a pores mapah, holding an afternoon Seudah that transitions into Shabbat, but this is not the preferred method of fulfilling the mitzvah.


If you have questions about Purim, contact Rabbi Davis.

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