Upcoming Yahrtzeits
Norman Ackerberg, father of Leah Golberstein
16 Tevet, Wednesday night/Thursday January 16
Itta Cohen, mother of Barry Garfinkel
16 Tevet, Wednesday night/Thursday January 16
Leon Krebs, father of Ronald Krebs
18 Tevet, Friday night/Saturday January 18
Penina Silverberg, mother of Judy Snitzer
19 Tevet, Saturday night/Sunday January 19
Eliezer Lerner, Father-in-law of Jack Geretz,
grandfather of Michael Younger, Michelle Livon, Naomi Oxman, and Rafi Geretz
20 Tevet, Sunday night/Monday January 20
Abe Segal, grandfather of Wendy Khabie
20 Tevet, Sunday night/Monday January 20
Nettie Warshawsky, mother of Robert Warshawsky
20 Tevet, Sunday night/Monday January 20
Rose Silver, mother of Tom Silver
20 Tevet, Sunday night/Monday January 20
Shlomo Adler, brother of Shulamit Adler
23 Tevet, Wednesday night/Thursday January 23
Avraham Levin, Uncle of Allan Baumgarten and Debbie Kusnetz
23 Tevet, Wednesday night/Thursday January 23
Reuben Miller, brother-in-law of Florence Miller
23 Tevet, Wednesday night/Thursday January 23
Abraham Singer, Cousin of Neal Singer
23 Tevet, Wednesday night/Thursday January 23
Alice Marcus, mother of Alfred Marcus
24 Tevet, Thursday night/Friday January 24
Ross Fefercorn, cousin of Leah Golberstein
25 Tevet, Friday night/Saturday January 25
Yahrtzeit Board
Contribute a Memorial Plaque
The cost is $450 per plaque. Orders and checks may be dropped off in the box in the shul library, or the order information form may be emailed to DarcheiYahrzeit@gmail.com and the check mailed to the shul. Thank you to all who have worked on this project.
Please make an extra effort to attend our morning and evening minyanim to support our members who are saying Kaddish, and those observing yahrtzeits.
To update yahrtzeit information, please contact
Allan Baumgarten baumg010@umn.edu